Executive Director Savita Pawnday interviewed by MSNBC on the situation in Ukraine

Executive Director Savita Pawnday interviewed by MSNBC on the situation in Ukraine

26 February 2022

On 26 February Global Centre Executive Director Savita Pawnday was interviewed on MSNBC regarding the unfolding humanitarian crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Ms. Pawnday explored the growing humanitarian needs at Ukraine’s border where over 150,000 refugees have fled. She also discussed concerns for those who have chosen to stay or are unable to leave population centers, including the men mandated to stay behind to fight.  Ms. Pawnday concluded by urging the international community to make good on promises to accept Ukrainian refugees fleeing probable war crimes and provide them with services and accommodation in their time of need.

Savita Pawnday
Executive Director, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

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